
IRL Aug 25–26, Seattle, WA


Maxim Fateev photo
Temporal logo

Maxim Fateev

Co-Founder & CEO


Paul Nordstrom photo
Temporal logo

Paul Nordstrom



Jacob LeGrone photo

Jacob LeGrone

Engineering Team Lead


Ryan Walls photo

Ryan Walls

Engineering Leader


Drew Hoskins photo

Drew Hoskins

Staff Software Engineer


Matt McDole photo

Matt McDole

Senior Director of Engineering

Yum! Brands

Brian Hogan photo

Brian Hogan

Director of Education


Rebecca Marshburn photo

Rebecca Marshburn

Head of Community

Common Room

Maxim Bovykin photo

Maxim Bovykin

Principal Software Engineer

Rain Leander photo

Rain Leander

Developer Advocate


Tom Wheeler photo

Tom Wheeler

Principal Curriculum Architect


Steven Sun photo

Steven Sun

Software Engineering Manager

Snap Inc.

Dominik Tornow photo

Dominik Tornow

Principal Engineer


Ryland Goldstein photo

Ryland Goldstein

Head of Product


Rob Zienert photo

Rob Zienert

Senior Software Engineer



Day 1: Workshops

August 25, 2022 10:00am - 5:00pm PDT

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& Refreshments

9:00 am

Workshop: Temporal Service and Application Architecture

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10:00 am

Bring your own in-progress applications and services for an architecture review from
Temporal experts Smitty Weygant, Samar Abbas, and Dominik Tornow.

Birds of a Feather Discussions

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10:00 am

Join other Temporal community members to discuss topics including Temporal SDKs,
Server & Operations, Cloud, and Platform Engineering, hosted by Temporal team members.

Lunch photo

12:00 pm

Workshop: Temporal 101 (part 1)

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1:00 pm


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1:00 pm

Break photo

2:00 pm

Workshop: Temporal 101 (part 2)

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2:20 pm

Dominik Tornow, Temporal

Building event-driven, reactive applications with Temporal: Workflows vs Sagas

Dominik Tornow, Temporal photo
Building event-driven, reactive applications with Temporal: Workflows vs Sagas logo

3:20 pm

Many modern applications are implemented as event-driven, reactive applications. In this session we will compare choreography and sagas to orchestration and Temporal workflows when implementing event-driven applications. We will explore which approach provides the best reliability, the best scalability, lowest coupling of components, and a stellar developer experience.


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4:20 pm

Day 2: Talks

August 26, 2022 8:00am - 4:30pm PDT

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& light breakfast

8:00 am

Charles Zedlewski, Temporal


Charles Zedlewski, Temporal photo
Welcome logo

9:00 am

Maxim Fateev, Temporal


Maxim Fateev, Temporal photo
Keynote logo

9:10 am

Break photo

10:00 am

Jacob LeGrone

Temporal @ Datadog

Jacob LeGrone photo
Temporal @ Datadog logo

10:20 am

In this talk we'll dig into how Datadog created a developer platform on top of Temporal to enable hundreds of Datadog engineers to build services that automate software delivery, manage infrastructure, and perform complex operations like shard rebalancing and datastore migrations. We'll explore our techniques for implementing, testing, and monitoring workflows, and discuss the biggest challenges we've discovered while adopting Temporal and how we're working to address them in open source.

Ryan Walls

How to be a change catalyst at

Ryan Walls photo
How to be a change catalyst at logo

11:00 am

So you attended an awesome conference–now you want to take what you learned and drive change at your company… How do you do it? Getting people to change is hard. Getting $$ and backing can be even harder. In this talk, I’ll share the lessons I’ve learned from being a technology change catalyst across many different companies and industries. Consider this my roadmap for making change happen–with key waypoints like preparing yourself for change, understanding your customer, working with your manager, finding cheerleaders, running an effective proof of concept, managing politics, procuring funds, partnering with the vendor, and structuring the right contract.

Drew Hoskins

The care and feeding of a Workflow user

Drew Hoskins photo
The care and feeding of a Workflow user logo

11:40 am

Stripe has incorporated Temporal into a platform for, so far, over fifty product teams to build tasks, workflows, and batch jobs. If your company plans to author lots of Workflows, this talk will offer tips on how to help them be productive and safe using the technology. We'll discuss common pitfalls we've seen, and talk through easy wins for small platform teams as well as some more substantial investments we've made.

Lunch photo

12:20 pm

Paul Nordstrom


Paul Nordstrom photo
Keynote logo

1:20 pm

Matt McDole

Chicken, Pizza & Tacos, Oh My!

Matt McDole photo
Chicken, Pizza & Tacos, Oh My! logo

2:20 pm

Yum! Brands is building a next generation eCommerce Platform to power its brands: KFC, Taco Bell, Habit Burger and Pizza Hut. Processing millions of orders robustly can be a complex problem. Like, really complex. Traditional eCommerce order services often utilize state machines, databases and distributed sagas to keep track of all the various steps that an order must go through in its lifetime. Then, what about the inevitable failures? The database could become unavailable, the POS device in the store could go offline, the payment processor could have a brief outage and dozens of other scenarios. All of these could lead to a bad real-life experience for a customer waiting for their meal. In this talk, I will step through the "before and after" transition of the Yum Platform's ordering engine and highlight some of key benefits we got out of building on top of Temporal.

Break photo

3:00 pm

Hosted by Rebecca Marshburn

Panel: Shaping the future of backend development

Hosted by Rebecca Marshburn photo
Panel: Shaping the future of backend development logo

3:20 pm

Charles Zedlewski, Temporal

Closing Remarks

Charles Zedlewski, Temporal photo
Closing Remarks logo

4:00 pm

Get Your Tickets

May 16–Jun 30: Early Bird Registration


Jul 1–Aug 25: General Registration


replay swag

If ticket cost presents a hardship for you, please get in touch with us at

Early Bird Registration Ended